News and media
This page contains news items and media releases related to the Authority’s work. For speeches and opinion pieces delivered by the Authority’s Chair and other representatives, go to Members media.
Latest news
2023 Reviews of Climate Schemes
The Climate Change Authority has released its 2023 reviews of the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting ( -
Authority publishes its advice for the government's second Annual Climate Change Statement
The Climate Change Authority’s second Annual Progress Report includes 42 recommendations to enhance the prospects of achieving Australia’s targets and promote a -
Submissions to the authority’s Issues Paper: Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction target published.
The Climate Change Authority has published the submissions it received in response to the Issues Paper: Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions re -
Technical innovation can lower the costs of carbon sequestration – CSIRO Report
A new CSIRO report, funded by the authority and the Clean Energy Regulator, provides valuable information on the potential to lower the costs of carbon sequestr -
Open for registration: The CCA’s ACCU scheme review, interactive webinar
The Climate Change Authority invites you to join a webinar 11.30am-1pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 17 October 2023 to discuss the authority’s latest thinking in its revie -
Parliament refers sectoral pathways review to the Climate Change Authority
The Australian Parliament has requested that the Climate Change Authority review the potential technology transition and emissions pathways that best support Au -
Climate Change Authority releases its Corporate Plan 2023-24
The Climate Change Authority is pleased to release its Corporate Plan for 2023-24. -
Timeline extended for the Authority’s survey on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act
In response to requests, we are extending the timeline for responding to the Authority’s survey on the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act to Friday 15 -
Consultation open on the Authority’s economic modelling exercise
The Climate Change Authority is undertaking an economic modelling exercise to inform its advice to Government on Australia’s 2035 target and has released a cons