The Climate Change Authority has released its latest policy Insights Paper, ‘Reduce, remove and store: The role of carbon sequestration in accelerating Australi
15 December 2021: This Insights Paper outlines how Australian economic data could evolve to help policymakers, business and communities navigate the transition
1 November 2021: This research report examines the global reorientation in trade and investment underway in the transition to net zero emissions, and what this
8 October 2021: This Insights Paper outlines the Authority's strategic framework and priorities for work to ensure Australia can set increasingly ambitious emis
17 July 2020: The Climate Change Authority has published a new report, Economic Recovery, Resilience and Prosperity After the Coronavirus, outlining measures pr
19 March 2020: This research report outlines how Australia can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet not only its 2030 Paris Agreement target but also subsequ
On 11 July 2019, the Climate Change Authority has published a stocktake of actions taken by Australian industry and governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissio
27 April 2018: Reaping the Rewards explores ways that landholders can improve profitability, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deliver broader environmental b
March 2015: Comparing countries’ emissions targets: A practical guide will help Australians understand and compare post-2020 greenhouse gas emissions targets th