News and media
This page contains news items and media releases related to the Authority’s work. For speeches and opinion pieces delivered by the Authority’s Chair and other representatives, go to Members media.
Latest news
Register for webinar on Review of International Offsets
The Climate Change Authority invites you to register to attend an online public webinar at 12.30pm – 1.30pm on 7 September 2022 to hear about the Authority’s Re -
Media Release: Climate Change Authority releases Review of International Offsets
11 August 2022: The Climate Change Authority’s Review of International Offsets finds the international carbon market is still evolving in response to the Paris -
Update: Review of International Offsets
The Climate Change Authority’s latest considerations in its Review of International Offsets are now available in the slide pack below. -
Media release: International offsets consultation opens
The Climate Change Authority has today commenced public consultation on its review of the assessment principles for international offsets. -
Climate Change Authority to review offset assessment principles
The Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction, the Hon Angus Taylor MP, has requested a review of the use of international carbon offsets in Austral -
Economic data for a decarbonising world
The Climate Change Authority today releases its new Insights Paper outlining how Australian economic data could evolve to help policymakers, business and commun -
Climate Change Authority forms new strategic partnership with the Bureau of Meteorology
The Climate Change Authority and the Bureau of Meteorology have today entered into a Strategic Relationship Agreement to enhance and streamline the climate advi -
Establishing a regional carbon bubble in the Indo Pacific
An esteemed panel, comprised of Government, regulatory and corporate leaders from across the Asia Pacific, agreed on the need for a strong carbon trading system -
How to prosper in a net zero world - CCA hosts panel discussion
The need for strong ambition, global action, transparency, integrity and the commercialisation of early-stage emissions reductions technologies.