The authority publishes reports for periodic reviews of legislation, special reviews and self-initiated research.
The Climate Change Authority Act 2011 (Opens in a new tab/window)tasks the Authority to carry out periodic reviews of the legislation underpinning the Emissions Reduction Fund (Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011(Opens in a new tab/window)) and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme ( National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007(Opens in a new tab/window)). The Minister for Climate Change and Energy or the Australian Parliament can also ask the Authority to do special reviews on climate change issues.
The Climate Change Authority Act 2011 empowers the Authority to initiate its own research on climate change.
Authority observations on Australia’s 2030 target
14 August 2015: The government has announced a target of 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 for Australia. -
Comparing countries’ emissions targets
March 2015: Comparing countries’ emissions targets: A practical guide will help Australians understand and compare post-2020 greenhouse gas emissions targets th -
2014 Carbon Farming Initiative Review
22 December 2014: The Climate Change Authority released its statutory review of the Carbon Farming Initiative. -
Using international units to help meet Australia's emissions reduction targets
7 July 2014: The Authority has recommended Australia use international emissions reduction units to help meet its 2020 target. -
Light vehicle emissions standards for Australia
In its Targets and Progress Review, the Authority recommended that the government investigate a CO2 emissions standard for light vehicles in Australia. -
International climate action: priorities for the next agreement
23 June 2014: The international community is now negotiating a post-2020 framework for global climate action.