News and media
This page contains news items and media releases related to the Authority’s work. For speeches and opinion pieces delivered by the Authority’s Chair and other representatives, go to Members media.
Latest news
Consultation document: modelling the electricity sector and emissions reduction policies
The Authority is seeking feedback on its proposed approach to electricity sector modelling. -
Draft report: Australia’s future emissions reduction targets
The Climate Change Authority released the first draft report of the Special Review of Australia’s climate change policies and goals in April 2015. -
Media Statement: Using International units to help meet Australia's emissions reduction targets
The Climate Change Authority is today releasing a paper on how recourse to international ‘units’ can assist countries, including Australia, to meet their emissi -
Statement: Carbon Farming and Renewable Energy Target Reviews
22 December 2014: Statement by the Chair, Mr Bernie Fraser The Climate Change Authority has today released two reports covering its reviews of the Carbon Farmin -
2014 Renewable Energy Target Review
The Climate Change Authority is proceeding with its statutory review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), which must be completed by 31 December 2014. -
Carbon Farming Initiative Review Issues Paper released
The Climate Change Authority today released an Issues Paper and invited submissions to the Authority’s Review of the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) -
Media Statement: Light Vehicle Emissions Standards for Australia
Australia could almost double the fuel efficiency of its new vehicle fleet by 2025, save motorists thousands of dollars over the life of their vehicles, and sig -
Media Release: International climate action: priorities for the next agreement
Next year Australia will be called upon to present its climate change credentials and policy to the world at the global climate conference in Paris. -
Statement: Targets and Progress Review
The Climate Change Authority has today released its final report and recommendations on “Reducing Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, as called for in the Cl