The Climate Change Authority today welcomes three new members.
Professor Lesley Hughes, Dr Virginia Marshall, and Ms Sam Mostyn AO join the current membership of the Authority which includes Chair, Mr Grant King and Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM.
The Authority now has a full complement of members as provided for under the Climate Change Authority Act 2011.
Chair of the Climate Change Authority, Mr Grant King said:
“I warmly welcome Lesley, Virginia and Sam as members of the Authority. Their combined skills and experience will strengthen the capability of the Authority and enable us to meet the expanded responsibilities we have under the new Climate Change Act.
“The Authority will draw upon the diversity and expertise of its members and staff and, working together with businesses, organisations and communities right across the economy, provide advice to accelerate emissions reductions and enhance Australia’s prosperity and resilience as the climate changes and the world transitions to net zero emissions. The Authority’s focus will be on:
Providing advice to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy for his first annual climate change statement to the Parliament;
Commencing work to advise on Australia’s next Nationally Determined Contribution, including a nation-wide conversation with businesses, industry organisations, academia, non-government organisations, youth groups, community leaders and so forth;
Undertaking statutory reviews of the Emissions Reduction Fund and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, including the Safeguard Mechanism; and
Continuing self-initiated research on Australia’s carbon sequestration potential and industry transition planning.
“On behalf of the Authority, I thank the Minister for Climate Change and Energy for his strong and collaborative engagement with, and support of, the work of the Authority“.
The Minister’s statement announcing the appointments can be found here(Opens in a new tab/window).
About the Climate Change Authority
The Authority provides independent, expert advice on climate change policy and plays an important role in the governance of Australia's mitigation policies, undertaking reviews and making recommendations. The Authority has recently been given additional powers to provide independent advice to Government on Australia’s progress towards net zero emissions.
A full list of the Authority’s members can be found here.
Date: Wednesday, 14 September 2022Media contact
Name: David ImberAgency: Mountain Media
Contact number: 0413 274 204