On 7 March 2022, the Authority released a consultation paper to help inform its special review into international carbon offsets.

Consultation through written submissions for this review has closed. We thank those who have taken the time to provide a submission or speak with us. The Authority is currently considering the submissions received. 

The Authority's review responds to a request by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction, the Hon Angus Taylor MP, relating to the use of international offsets for carbon abatement under Climate Active (Opens in a new tab/window) and the creation or use of offsets as part of the Indo-Pacific Carbon Offsets Scheme(Opens in a new tab/window) in the context of the Paris Agreement. 

Consultation paper [PDF] [DOCX(Opens in a new tab/window)]

Media release [PDF] [DOCX(Opens in a new tab/window)]

Received submissions

1. Woodside.pdf(195.58 KB)

2. Gold Standard.pdf (144.11 KB)

3. Hydro Tasmania.pdf (499.76 KB)

4. Engineers Australia (132.88 KB)

5. Australian Aluminium Council.pdf (645.83 KB)

6. Snowy Hydro.pdf (356.29 KB)

7. Tasman Environmental Markets.pdf (862.39 KB)

8. The Nature Conservancy.pdf (193.9 KB)

9. Business Council of Australia.pdf (1.39 MB)

10. Corporate Carbon.pdf (209.21 KB)

11. Puro.earth_.pdf (876.52 KB)

12. Iberdrola.pdf (342.77 KB)

13. Australian Industry Greenhouse Network.pdf (403.68 KB)

14. Vertree Partners.pdf (430.44 KB)

15. Property Council of Australia.pdf (385.91 KB)

16. Origin.pdf (162.98 KB)

17. Simply Energy.pdf (158.86 KB)

18. Australian Forsest Products Association.pdf (1.29 MB)

19. Shell Energy.pdf (150.7 KB)

20. University of Adelaide.pdf (395.9 KB)

21. BP Australia Pty Ltd.pdf (380.05 KB)

22. The Australia Institute.pdf (1.22 MB)

23. Green Building Council of Australia.pdf (135.39 KB)

24. Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia.pdf (1.05 MB)

25. Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market.pdf (188.76 KB)

26. Carbon Market Institute.pdf (243.72 KB)

27. Beyond Neutral.pdf (176.9 KB)

28. EnergyAustralia.pdf (614.28 KB)

29. Minerals Council of Australia.pdf (202.01 KB)

30. WeAct.pdf (609.59 KB)

  • Consultation

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